When visiting China and surrounding Asian countries, you will notice that practicing one's health, even without the goal of weight loss, is quite common. In China, a healthy diet is a little more complex than it is in the West. A healthy diet in China is more than just eating fruits and vegetables, although vegetables are in almost every Asian cuisine, the Chinese also consider TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).
In Chinese medicine, food is also medicine. It's common in TCM to eat certain foods to help and prevent problems. You will also hear TCM mention foods being Yin or Yang, this refers to Qi, you can have too much Qi (Yang), or too little (Yin). Think of your Qi like a cup of water, you want your cup to have plenty of water but you, don't want your cup to be overflowing. You would want to keep your Qi in balance, so you would eat Yin foods if you have too much Qi, or eat Yang foods if your Qi is deficient. There are symptoms of a Qi deficiency, such as feeling low and/or sleepy. Symptoms of a surplus of Qi are over-excitement and being easily angered.
TCM is often practiced with food in China. Food is used to help treat and prevent certain physical problems. Food is also thought to aid in balancing Qi.