Giant pandas are large black and white bears with crazy strong jaws and strange yet fancy paws. A national treasure in China, and a favorite animal of mine, let's talk about giant pandas!
1. Giant pandas have extra thumbs.
They're called pseudo thumbs. These extra thumbs on their wrist help them grip bamboo and the hearts of everyone watching them eat the bamboo.
2. Giant pandas have extremely strong jaws.
This is actually how giant pandas earned the name "Iron eaters." Much of the roundness you see in a pandas jaw isn't fat but muscle. With this strong muscle, they can eat bamboo with ease.
3. Giant pandas have a special lining in their throat.
This lining helps prevent their throats from getting splinters from the bamboo they eat.
4. Giant pandas are camouflaged.
Recent studies found that giant pandas are very well camouflaged. The white helps them blend in snow. While the black helps them blend in the forest.
5. Giant pandas have eyes like a cat.
Giant pandas, much like a cat, have vertical slitted eyes. This helps them adjust better to light which helps giant pandas see at night.
Shout Out!!!
I want to give a shout to my favorite charity! Pandas International! Click the link to learn more about them and what they do. Also, check out the link HERE for MORE panda facts!